In this post, I’m highlighting the new reporting features available with SQL Server 2016, which is set to be released June 1st of this year. As you may or may not know, Microsoft acquired a mobile reporting company called Datazen back in April of last year. In SQL Server 2016, Datazen is making its appearance as SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher. This standalone application lets you quickly design dashboards using click-and-drag functionality. Additionally, you can easily configure the layout of your dashboards to adjust for viewing it through a web browser, tablet, or mobile device.
To be able to start using SQL Server Mobile Reports, as well as the other reporting tools (SSRS, Report Publisher, Power BI), you will first need to download and install the following components:
- SQL Server 2016 RC3 – download link
- Launch the Setup wizard, and at a minimum you will need to install Reporting Services native mode.
- Note: You do not need to have SQL Server Database Engine Services as part of the installation. If you are just trying out Reporting Services, you can use SQL Server 2014 to host the ReportServer databases (this step is done after the install, via Reporting Services Configuration Manager).
- SQL Server Report Builder – download link
- This will let you create data sources and datasets directly on the report server (no need to publish through SSRS). SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher leverages datasets that are deployed to the web portal, so you will need Report Builder to create new datasets.
- SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher (SSMRP) – download link
- You can download this and use it without having the prior 2 tools installed, but you will only be able to use it with simulated data that’s included in the install. This can come in really handy if you are either trying to learn the tool, or if you want to mock up your dashboards first, and worry about the data later. If you’re doing the latter, make sure that your data will be able to provide the same type of analytics as the sample data.
Easily change between Master/Tablet/Phone layouts to configure how your dashboard renders on each device
- You can download this and use it without having the prior 2 tools installed, but you will only be able to use it with simulated data that’s included in the install. This can come in really handy if you are either trying to learn the tool, or if you want to mock up your dashboards first, and worry about the data later. If you’re doing the latter, make sure that your data will be able to provide the same type of analytics as the sample data.
- Power BI Desktop – download link
- Power BI Mobile – download link
Note: After you install SQL Server Reporting Services, you can download the other tools through the Download menu at the top right of the page of the web portal:
In my next post I’ll walk you through configuring each of the components and getting started with each one.
Hi , I have an issue with SSRS 2016 mobile reports. I tried to create one mobile report in SSRS browser. Here the problem is we are not able to delete the mobile dashboard. But i am able to delete pagenated reports.
error: an error occurred when invoking the authorization extension.
This error will get only when we try to edit and change the security from manage option.
steps to reproduce: on any mobile sample report on SSRS browser -> click manage -> Go to security -> Edit -> select all -> Apply.
Now when to try to delete then we are not able to delete.
Please help